Elder Scrolls Online Dwarven Crown Crates Season

A new Crate season started in Elder Scrolls Online. Players can now visit the game store to purchase a new type of Crown Crates, Dwarven. Members of this ancient race are no longer among Tamriel inhabitants but remains of their civilization have left a huge mark on the world. Dwarves built their cities deep underground. They used stone and metal not just to build their homes but also to create mechanical beings that are commonly referred in game as automata. These constructs still work. They still roam the long forgotten halls to protect them. Dwarven ruins hide many secrets and treasures so adventurers are drawn to these places. The Mages Guild is an organization who has a particular interest in Dwarven technology. The basement of the Arcane University was filled with Dwarven items and artifacts. These guarded treasures surfaced when Molag Bal's minions raided the city. Adventurers have the chance to acquire some of them from Dwarven Crown Crates.

The start of the new Crown Crate season also signifies the ending of the previous one. Players can no longer obtain Wild Hunt Crates. The Dwarven Crown Crates were previewed in the Morrowind Discovery pack that contained one crate. These are some of the items that can be acquired in the new Crown Crates season.

The Apex rewards include Dwarven wolf, senche, guar, horse, camel, bear, vitrine wolf, adamant horse, ebon senche and a resplendent sweetroll. The legendary list of Dwarven items contains hero armors, Clavicus Vile banner and tapestry, a statue of Clavicus Vile and Barbas and many other unique items. Superior and epic rewards are also available. Three extremely rare Elder Scrolls Online mounts can be found in these crates. Players will notice that there are new collectibles and even items that were previously retired that can drop from a Crown Crate. Players will play 400 Crowns for one crate or they can opt for one of the two bundles. The one that contains four crates costs 1,500 Crowns. For the 15 Crates bundle, players will pay 5,000 Crowns.

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