What Is Elder Scrolls Online Tales Of Tribute

Are you looking for a place to buy Elder Scrolls Online gold? U7BuyGames is the answer! We have unbelievable offers and fast deliveries! The new Elder Scrolls Online expansion comes with a new gameplay addition. We are talking about Tales of Tribute. This is a card game. It is simple enough for all players to get into it without much hassle. If you want to master it, you will have to put in time and effort. Luckily, you don't need to do anything to get ESO gold because U7BuyGames is here for you!

What You Need to Know About Elder Scrolls Online Tales of Tribute

Tales of Tribute has eight patron decks. Each one has a different play style. The deck themes represent a faction or individual. The four starting decks are St. Pelin, Loremaster Celarus, Duke of Crows, and Delmene Hlaalu. These first decks become available after finishing the tutorial. The other four decks come from quests, achievements, and High Isle activities. Tales of Tribute is not only a card-collecting game. Players can engage in matches. Let's see how a game plays out. The game starts with the two opponents picking two patron decks each. Each deck has 20 cards. These 80 cards and another 20 neutral cards make the Tavern, the card pool. The patron is a special card in each deck. Patrons give buffs. You can activate a patron per turn. Certain cards and combinations unlock an extra patron. Activating a patron card comes at a cost. It can be power, other cards, or currency. Power is a game resource. Players obtain it from card and patron abilities, combos, and other actions. You can win a game of Tales of Tribute in two ways. If you acquire 40 prestige, the game is yours. A player earns prestige by transforming power at the end of the turn. Card and patron abilities give prestige too. The other way to win is to acquire the favor of all patrons on your turn. Agents are other special cards. Cards normally enter a cooldown when the turn is over. Agents remain on the table. There are two ways to remove agents. You can use power or another card to take an agent out. Tales of Tribute is a quick game. A turn lasts just 90 seconds. You can end the turn at any time, or wait until 90 seconds have passed to end it automatically.
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