Elder Scrolls Online Welcomes The Zeal Of Zenithar Event

Buy Elder Scrolls Online gold from U7Buy! The Zeal of Zenithar is a new Elder Scrolls Online event. To start the event one must get The Unrefusable Offer quest. There are two ways to obtain it. You can obtain the starter item from the Crown store. It's free. The alternative is to travel and start the quest from the NPC. You can find it in the Craglorn area at the Belkarth event grounds. Amminus Varo is the NPC. You can quickly access this location from an Impresario tent. Once you are done with the quest, you can complete the Honest Toil daily. If you are low on ESO gold, just visit U7Buy!

What to Do During the Elder Scrolls Online Zeal of Zenithar Event

The important thing is to complete the Honest Toil daily quest. The reward is a Zenithar's Sublime Parcel box. More boxes can be acquired from the introductory quest and master writs. You will also get boxes from activities such as world bosses, world events, and group arena challenges. The requirement is to have a guild member in your group. You may also get the boxes from less honest activities such as pick-pocketing. The boxes can also be found in strongboxes and thieves' troves. No matter how you come into possession of these boxes, the contents are the same. Each time you open the box, you have a chance to receive some items. The boxes might give you a style page that you can exchange for the High Rock Spellsword armor. They also contain materials, ingredients, reagents, motif items, and rune stones. You will also get crafting boosters with a small opportunity to obtain gold ones or research time scrolls. Recipes for furniture and provisioning are also in these boxes. Repair kits, treasure maps, companion items, and random currency pouches might also be part of the rewards. The currency pouch can have Elder Scrolls Online gold or Tel Var stones. If you hit the jackpot, you get 100,000. Throughout the event, we can enjoy bonuses. It costs 75% less to travel via way shrines. You will pay 50% less for repair costs at vendors. The crafting inspiration is boosted to 100%. Vendors offer a 10% discount when you buy items with ESO gold, Tel Var stones, and AP. This is a good time to buy a house with gold. During the event, players will also receive event tickets. Zeal of Zenithar begins on June 30th and ends on July 12th.
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