Elder Scrolls Online - What do You Need to Know About Elder Scrolls Online Quests

Elder Scrolls Online story quests follow the adventurer's journey through Tamriel. The first one of the numerous main quests is received at level 1 in the starting area. This quest continues until level 50 which you could reach fast with ESO Power Leveling service. Players will automatically receive main quests when they met the requirements. These quests normally take priority over other quests. Players are advised to complete a main story quest as soon as it is received. With the release of Elder Scrolls Online's first expansion, Morrowind, players are given more quests to complete. Morrowind quests have no level or other requirements so players can start the Morrowind adventure as soon as they get the expansion. 

After players leave the starting area, they are required to pick one of the three Elder Scrolls Online alliances. The choice will determine the available quests and the next accessible zones. There are three alliances and, although the story and areas are different, there's no PvE benefit for picking a certain alliance. The three alliances are locked in a PvP war that goes on in Cyrodiil. The power balance is shifting as territories are controlled by alliances. If new players already have friends playing Elder Scrolls Online they should pick the same alliance as their friends, else the choice is strictly personal. Alliance quests require players to finish quests in areas that are controlled by that particular alliance. Players can eventually complete quests from other alliances as well. Elder Scrolls Online players can check the quest achievements category to make sure they've finished all quests associated with a game zone before starting the next one. 

Guild quests are given by NPCs that are members of Elder Scrolls Online guilds such as the Mages Guild or the Fighters Guild. It doesn't matter which alliance players have joined. All guild quests are the same for all three alliances. These quests give additional XP and rewards so there's no reason to leave them out. Special quests that are available during certain times reward players with event related items. Remember to buy Elder Scrolls Online Gold cheap from us when you do quest in game; which will make it easier for you.  

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