Elder Scrolls Online – What to Expect in the Bloodroot Forge Dungeon

Bloodroot Forge is a new PvE challenge for Elder Scrolls Online players. It's a dungeon for groups of four players. It's part of the Horns of the Reach DLC so players need to acquire the DLC from the game store or unlock it with a premium subscription. The new dungeon is home to creatures that belong to the Dreadhorn Clan. This new partnership brought together two terrifying races. The Reachmen and the Minotaurs have joined forces. The ones that suffer from this alliance are those living in the Jerall Mountains. The Dreadhorns also awakened something wild, powerful, and evil in the Bloodroot Forge. Players need to investigate and defeat the Clan at all costs.

Not much is known about the Bloodroot Forge. It's an ancient place that hides a mysterious force who should be left alone. The Bloodroot Forge is the place where Nirncrux is found. This material can only be harvested from Craglorn. Adventurers will start their foray into the dungeon by helping the captives escape. Players will have to face Reachmen, Minotaurs, and other Nirncrux corrupted creatures. Beasts are living inside the Forge and guarding it with their lives. Enemies grow stronger as players advance towards the heart of the Forge. The environment is also harsh. Nirncrux is found in liquid state here. Players will take on bosses as they head towards the Forge. Mathgamain, a beast boss, is a powerful enemy but luckily, it has simple fighting techniques. Cailaoife the Hargraven will try and trick players with treacherous abilities. The final boss is an iron atronach called the Earthgore Amalgam. This creature is the will of the Forge reincarnated into a destruction machine. This last encounter has a unique mechanic that allows player to interrupt the boss. The environment also plays an important part in the fights. The Bloodroot Forge has five bosses. The loot and rewards list includes gear and collectible items. Clearing the dungeon on normal mode gives players a trophy as a one time reward. A much cooler reward is obtained when completing it on veteran mode. Players that finish both Horns of the Reach dungeons on veteran mode can acquire the Hakkavid house with cheap Elder Scrolls Online gold. If you need ESO Power Leveling service, we have professional levelers to do that for you.   

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