Elder Scrolls Online – Nascent Indrik

Elder Scrolls Online has a special mount called the Nascent Indrik. What's special about this mount is how it's obtained and its appearances. The mount is bought in exchange for four feathers from an NPC that is available during certain in-game events. The feathers are bought with event tickets. These tickets are obtained during events by taking part in the activities. It's worth noting that no premium purchases are required to get the mount.

The feathers have been introduced throughout 2018. The emerald feather was made available during the Witches Festival 2018. The gilded feather came with the Clockwork City celebration. The Undaunted Celebration Event brought the onyx feather. The opaline feather was first obtainable during the New Life Festival 2018. Each feather costs 10 tickets. Players can still obtain the feathers and unlock the base version of the mount.

The mount has several evolutions. Each evolution corresponds to a feather. Evolving a Nascent Indrik mount means feeding it four berries. There are four berries for each evolution. A berry is obtained during a certain event. For example, the first ones were called Dawnwood Berries of Bloom and were obtainable during Midyear Mayhem 2019. The Morrowind celebration, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Event, and Jester's Festival brought the other three berries needed to evolve the Nascent Indrik into the Dawnwood Indrik.

Following a similar manner, the other evolutions brought the Luminous Indrik, Onyx Indrik, and Pure Snow Indrik. One berry costs 10 event tickets. You can get all the necessary tickets during the event so don't worry about missing them or having to wait a long time. The current evolution just started. The first berry was available during the Witches Festival 2019. The other three berries are not announced yet. Dataminers have uncovered the next Indrik evolution which is called Spectral Indrik.

We mentioned that you don't need to make premium purchases to get the mount or the evolutions but you can get a bit of help if you are willing to spend some cash. Those that want to speed things can head to the crown store and look for event tickets. If you won't want to complete event activities to get them, you can easily buy them from the crown store.

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(Contributed by Reda)

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